How to Use 360Converter Offline Transcriber

With full version of 360Converter Offline Transcriber, its pretty straightforward to use it by simply opening file or specifying YouTube video URL to start. (If you are using trial version, there is a limitation. You need activate it to get ride of the limitation with a License Code)

Simply say, you can could use the software to transcribe, punctuate and proofread, then export transcript.


The source could be local file or YouTube video. Local file could be audio and video file. 360Converter Offline Transcriber supports wide range audio and video format.

  • Audio Format
  • mp3, wav, wma, aac, Apple audio book(.m4b) etc.

  • Audio Format
  • mp4, wmv, asf, mpeg, flash video, Quick time movie(.mov) etc.


As stated above, you can transcribe local file and YouTube video.

  • Local File
  • Just click 'Local File' button to choose a file from disk, then it will automatically start transcribing. As transcribing process going, the transcript will be shown progressively which is in center of window.

  • YouTube Video
  • Click 'YouTube Video' button to launch window to put YouTube video URL, then it will analyze the video and transcribe it.


Transcribing process starts once you choose a local file or type YouTube url, followed by punctuation.

Punctuation by default will be automatically done after transcribing process is finished. If you don't like punctuation, you have two options,

  • cancel it when you see a dialog showing 'punctuating'.
  • uncheck 'Add Punctuation Automatically' from Settings.


Transcript can be exported as plain text, Microsoft docx, Adobe PDF and Subtitle file. You can choose type of transcript to be exported, which are raw transcript, punctuated transcript and proofreaded transcript.


If you'd like to change transcript, proofreading functionality is provided which could be triggered by clicking 'Start Proofread' button. After that, you will be in 'Proofreading Mode' in which you can click word you want correct. In prompt window, type word you want it to be.

Once all changes made, click 'Finish Proofread' button to exit 'Proofreading Mode'. You will be asked to confirm changes, which will be reflected in exported file.

In Proofread mode, you can listen whole audio, modify, delete and insert word, or even play single word.

Listen Audio

Simply click Play, Pause and Stop button on the bottom panel. You can choose where to play, adjust volume and even play speed by click Speech control on the right side of the bottom panel.

Replace Word

To replace word, literally says, you think that word should be another word. Simply click the word, you will able to put word you prefer, or you want all that word in transcript will be replaced, then check 'Replace All'. Another way to do this, right click word then choose 'Replace'.

Insert Word

You can insert word before and after of word, right click then choose either 'Insert Before' or 'Insert After'.

Delete Word

Pretty simple to delete word, right click and choose 'Delete' from context menu.

Play Word

If you want to listen single word in audio, right click that word and choose 'Play' from context menu.

Free Edit

If you want to edit transcript like Microsoft Word Document, 'Free Edit' is what you need. After transcribing is done or load transcript from Transcript history record from right panel, click 'Free Edit' from left panel, then you can edit transcript.

Once you happy with the transcript, click 'Export' at bottom panel to save it as either pdf, txt or docx format.

Batch Process

If you have a lot of audio/video files that need to be transcribed, then use Batch Process feature which let add bunch of files.

Once you started Batch Process, the program will be in so called 'Batch Process Mode'. All other operations, such as Open Local, YouTube video will be disabled until Batch Process is finished.

Batch Process can auto export transcript to the location you preferred. You can control whether auto export and where to export to in Settings

Keyboard Shortcuts

To do this


Open local file.


Open YouTube video.


Record audio.


Start a realtime transcription.


Open batch process modal.


Diarize transcription.


Proofread transcript.


Activate free-edit mode.


Export transcript.



It is recommended to run the program in maximized mode though the program window can be resized to get best user experience.

Any activity the program does, it will be shown at bottom of window. For example, loading modal, transcribing, generating report etc. The local file you opened or YouTube video URL will be display right bottom.

Should there any problem you found, click menu 'Report Problem' to tell us.


Transcribe local any video and audio file

Record audio and transcribe recorded audio

Transcribe video and audio in batch

Real-time transcription.

Transcribe YouTube video